inside: how Ash Wednesday reminds us of God’s grace

inside - Ash Wednesday - smudge on forehead

As I considered how to start this season of Lent, what struck me forcibly was the symbolism of Ash Wednesday, which is where we begin. Even though my home church doesn’t participate in Lenten practices, I see the value in them. A smudge of Palm Sunday’s ash pressed on the forehead is a visible and powerful reminder of why Jesus came to earth.

I’m truly grateful to have my sin largely concealed on the inside. It’s not always evident to those who know me or strangers who might come across me. Although much is revealed in our behaviour. Because our actions and words often speak for themselves. We can become adept at concealing our inner darkness, of course, but it’s a relief that the worst of us is known only to God. 😏

Safely tucked inside

What if God asked us to dare to wear
our sin, not like a hidden, dark, secret
stain within, but on the outside of us
instead, where it would be made visible
to all—would it bleed scarlet-red?

Or might we resemble bodily black-rimmed
coal miners, with thick, choking clouds of
dust ingrained deep into their skin, which
won’t wash off under the tap, rather
like an indelible tattoo, perhaps?

Or splattered in splotches, like scars,
as if we were pigs rolling around in mud,
up to our ears and all. Or battered, brawny
rugby players after a match, before we
went for our cleansing hot bath.

Maybe it’s better how it is now,
with a mere smudge gracing our
foreheads, and all the rest safely
tucked inside our souls, where we
keep the dross God only knows.

inside - safely tucked inside poem excerpt - coal miners (C)joylenton

We can delude ourselves into thinking we are better than we are. Or we can become deceived into believing nothing good resides within at all. The truth is a mixture of them both. Left to our own devices, we are fallen and lost. But God… picks us up, heals, redeems and restores our souls, calls us His precious Beloved and makes His home in our hearts.

That’s what Easter is all about. A Divine exchange takes place. Our filthy rags for His royal robe of righteousness. Our sin for His grace. Our pain for His peace. Our tears for His oil of joy. God excels in bringing beauty out of ashes. He isn’t fazed by our brokenness because He alone can piece us back together. God’s holy glue makes us better than before, with a gradual sanctification process as we surrender our lives to Him.

“To all who mourn in Israel he will give: beauty for ashes; joy instead of mourning; praise instead of heaviness. For God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory.” – Isaiah 61:3 TLB

Laying it down

Are you feeling burdened and heavy laden?

This season lends itself to introspection as we approach the year’s end.

Cares cling to us like barnacles.

Anxieties anchor us to ground.

Weighed down and weary.

Resistant to being shrugged off.

Sometimes we forget that God isn’t asking us to carry them.

Our frame is not built for such loads.

We are meant to hand them all over to Him as soon as they strike.

“Pile your troubles on to God’s shoulders – he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out” ~ Psalm 55:22

And I know I so often forget to do just that.

Allowing an invasion of heaviness to sink heart and soul.

Waves of worry try to drown me.

Turbulent tides of tension make me lose my equilibrium.

Until I make a conscious decision to do something about it.

‘Divine exchange’

I lay down my worry

knowing Your wisdom is best,

I lay down my hurry

and sink into Your rest.

I lay down my heartache

and let the tears fall,

knowing You understand

and Your Love covers all.

I lay down my guilt

and dark covering of shame

whose muddied silt

falls off at Your Name.

I lay down my fears

and name every one

that has haunted my years

as clouds obscure sun.

I lay down my pride

though it stubbornly clings

and sigh, grateful for the

sweet relief it now brings.

I lay down the right

to have my own way

and decide to hold light

to my plans for each day.

And in laying these down

I am being set free

from self-preoccupied living

into grace-filled liberty.


“God makes his people strong. God gives his people peace” ~ Psalm 29:11

I have written more about surrendering on Words of Joy this week. 

Day 29 ~ 31 days of  #poetryforthesoul

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