Walk with Him

A wise and inspiring prayer from a gentle, discerning soul. Thank you, dear Elizabeth. I love the invitation you offer here and I pray others are blessed by it too. 🙏🏻🦋💜

The Contemplative Path

Walk gently towards Him

Every day

No striving or straining

Simply looking to Him

Seek to follow Him

With a quiet trust

And a desire in your heart

To walk with Him always

His Footsteps will guide

And His Hand will hold

He will pick you up when you fall

And hold you in His Loving Embrace

Seek to serve His Kingdom of Love

In every small way you can

Let His Love so fill your heart

That you may always give love to others

This day and every day


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The Quarantine Quatrains: Birdsong for May Day

This beautiful celebration of the hopeful sound of birdsong and the way it lifts our hearts is part of Malcolm Guite’s contemplative Quarantine Quatrain series. Do check out the rest on his blog. His poetry is sublime… 😉💜

Malcolm Guite

Blossom in Girton’s Orchard. Photo by Liliana Janek

The first of May, that magical turn of the year, that full opening of spring which must always bring hope, seems like a good day to share an episode of my Quarantine Quatrains which celebrates the experience of listening to birdsong. I hear it when I am sitting, writing in my hut, and again drifting through the open window as I sit in my study, and always, as Hopkins says ‘my heart in hiding’ stirs for a bird’.

I have now completed the whole Quarantine Quatrain series, which consists, as the word Quarantine implies, of forty quatrains. These are arranged in to seven sections, one for each day of the week, and tomorrow, the 40th day of our lockdown, I will post the whole poem in its proper order. But here in a little May Day preview, is the little section that…

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In her beautiful, soulful poetry and prayers, Cheryl Anne has a wonderful way of tapping into our wounded humanity and the way God meets us with His rest, joy and peace. My heart says a grateful Amen to the touching words she shares here.

Brigid's Hearth

“The Joy
of the Lord
is my strength…”

This I sing
when there seems to be
no good reason for singing.

But this is a Joy
beyond all circumstance
and beneath mere feeling;

It is part of the fabric
of Our Being.
It is the wellspring
of our healing.

This Joy is
the Hopeful Song
of the slave
and the soft salted smile
by the side of the grave.

This Joy is made
of redemptive laughter;
as much for Here
as for Hereafter.

This Joy is made
of the Mother’s Tears
warm in our veins
when we face our fears.

This is the Joy
born of sorrow’s
cracked seed…

This is the Joy
of a soul
finally freed.

Not something
outside to be wished
or attained,
but inherently Human;
Divinely ingrained…

And so I sing
in the midst of the pain~

“The Joy
of the Lord
is my strength…”


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A Reflection – Light and Shadow

A beautiful reflective prayer that speaks powerfully to the soul. Thanks, Michael!

Pastor Michael Moore's Blog

Inner flame of love
Burn within me
Allow me to explore
The shadows without fear
Allow me to embrace
The light of your love
Allow the light and the dark to inform
Balance me within
In both the shadows and the light
May I see the wholeness you have created
In all things
May your light shine even in the darkness
In all things
May I find balance, rest, hope, awareness

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Blogging and “The Accident of Touching”

It’s especially true of writers and creatives that our hearts long to touch others with our words, our art, ourselves. We savour times when our souls collide and our lives are enriched in the sharing. Even if we pause to like a person’s blog post and do not stop to leave a comment, that very act is enough to bring a smile and give encouragement to them, as it reveals a connection has been made. Isn’t that why we all want to write? To breathe out the essence of who we are and hope that others will be able to relate to it? Deborah’s post puts this way of touching another through our art so beautifully. Enjoy the read and do check out her stunning art work, thoughtful poetry and prose in other posts. 😊💜

Deborah J. Brasket

The_Creation_Michelangelo“The accident of touching /is so rare! Sometimes /I pause my hand on purpose / and hope to find yours there.”

These are the last lines of a poem I wrote long ago.

But I realize now that’s what this blog is all about, a way of “pausing my hand on purpose,” and hoping to find you there.

It’s all about touching, isn’t it? Touching others with our lives, ourinsights and understanding, our memories and dreams, our poetry and art. Blogging meets this basic human need—to touch others and be touched in return.

Peter_Paul_Rubens_105_1We’ve all heard how physical touching is essential to human health and happiness. They say people can shrivel up and die for want of being touched or having someone to touch. A simple pat on the shoulder, a hug, ahand squeezecan make all the difference. Merely having a pet, they say, saves lives.

But there’s a basic…

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simplify: seeking a more ethical approach to Christmas

simplify - seeking a more ethical approach to Christmas @poetryjoy.com

As I sit with the world at my fingertips, I marvel yet again at the wonder of internet shopping at a mere click. Christmas means I get to buy my favourite people gifts from the comfort of my own home. Yet the relative ease can lull me into a false sense of security and control. Simplicity of consumption can mean loss of the ability to simplify.

Truth is, we’re all in danger of getting sucked into advertising hooks and consumerism’s greedy clutches. It’s all too easy to buy more than we need and neglect to think about its effect on us and the world in general. Though it’s vital that we don’t ignore it.

I’m a bit of a “it might come in useful one day” type of hoarder, truth be told. I’m also a wannabe declutterer and minimalist, who rarely has energy enough for the task. A baby taking tiny baby steps toward living with and spending less.

I have an increasing desire to simplify, purchase wisely and live more mindfully. And an increasing awareness of the heedless way I might be contributing to the world’s carbon footprint and ecological decay. Hence my poetic lament below.

Lament for earth

If the sky cries out
in sympathy
with dry, dusty earth
and sheds hot, salty tears,
then wake me up,
I want to be aware.

Let me not miss
a thing of earth’s
dying gasps,
be it by flood
or fire,
because I want to
cry with her.

Let us all weep now
for our carelessness,
our lack of faithful
caretaking and love,
our inability to take
good care
of our Mother Earth.

We have been
bad custodians,
errant prodigals
and wasteful ones,
who now reap
the cost for our sad
while we watch its fast
decay and death.
© joylenton

“Then God blessed them and gave them this directive:  ‘Be fruitful and multiply. Populate the earth. I make you trustees of My estate, so care for My creation and rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every creature that roams across the earth.'” – Genesis 1:28 The Voice

simplify - lament for earth poem excerpt (C)joylenton @poetryjoy.com

Here’s a short list of potential gift idea resources (some of which I already use) and books to help us simplify, shop, gift and live more mindfully this Christmas and beyond. Though we need to be wary of letting too many “expert” books and resources discourage us in our seemingly small steps of progress toward our simplifying goals.

Ethical resources and gift ideas:

  1. 12 tips for a plastic free Christmas – Marine Conversation Society
  2. Home of Fair Trade products – Traidcraft Shop
  3. Alternative gifts and occasions at Yumbles
  4. Making it easier to be eco – The Wise House
  5. Living Naturally – The First Soapnut Apothecary in the world

Book suggestions:

  1. No. More. Plastic.: What you can do to make a difference – the #2minutesolution by Martin Dorey
  2. How to Give Up Plastic: A Guide to Changing the World, One Plastic Bottle at a Time by Will McCallum
  3. Turning the Tide on Plastic: How Humanity (And You) Can Make Our Globe Clean Again by Lucy Siegle
  4. Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life by Bea Johnson
  5. The Minimalist Home: A Room-By-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life by Joshua Becker

How have you been able to ethically simplify your Christmas shopping and preparations? I’d love to hear from you and pick up some useful tips! 🙂

simplify - weep now lament poem excerpt (C)joylenton @poetryjoy.com

consent: important GDPR information about us staying email friends

Hello friend, 🌷🌸😊

This post is a bit different from the usual offering. I’m writing to alert you to some changes in data protection which affect how you might receive my emails. It has primary relevance to those who subscribe to receive my blog posts by email but it’s also important for all of you to take note of, as you will see as you read on…

General Data Protection Regulation (EU)

In order to ensure that I am complying with GDPR regulations by 25th May 2018, you will need to confirm you are happy for your email to be used for the specific purpose of delivering blog posts to your inbox and storing your email for this purpose alone.

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I want to ensure I have your consent to do this.

Please note there are slightly different approaches depending on whether you have a WordPress account or not.

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Phew! Thank you for your patience! 😉💜 Now we’ve got over the tough stuff, here’s a tiny poem for you as we close…

we’re obliged to do GDPR, even though it’s a pain
in the proverbial, and a huge nuisance to one and all
but the most important thing is to stay connected together
because I would hate to lose touch or miss your friendship

Let’s stay connected, heart to heart and home to home, sharing poetry and thoughts about love, loss, life and faith, yes?

Please excuse me while I take myself off and lie down for a while to recover. 🛌 This admin work is tiring! Do make yourself a refreshing cuppa and eat some cake to celebrate getting to the end of this message. You’ve earned it, my friend!🍩🍰☕

The Breath of Life

I love these thoughts on Holy Spirit breath as expressed by Elizabeth. A prayer, contemplation and meditation in one.

The Contemplative Path

Breathe in

Breathe deeply

Breathe in the Presence

Breathe in the Holy Spirit

Breathe it into your mind

And be stilled

Breathe it into your body

And feel Healing

Breathe it into your heart

And feel Love

Breathe it into your spirit

And be inspired

The Breath of God

Breathes constantly

Bringing Life into our lives

Resuscitating us

Renewing us

Reviving us

For it is very often as if we are starved

Of spiritual oxygen

Gasping for the Breath we need

To give us air

To fill us

And to intoxicate us

With love for the Spirit

And service to its Life

This day and every day


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