A taste of the holy invading our everyday



How can we fail to notice the holy? Sadly, all too easily. Yet God leaves little messages in each moment. Markers of His presence. Footsteps of the divine in our midst. Evidence surrounds us everywhere but we often miss it.

A good way to heighten our awareness of the holy is to seek frequent sacred spaces in our days, whereby we look, listen and pray. We can aim to live with an expectation of wonder during Advent and beyond, to put spiritual lenses on, watch and wait with anticipation, have a heart set on holiness, remain alert to its appearance in our everyday ordinary.

We can become deaf to God’s voice due to disobedience, fail to step forward into encounter because of fear, or drown Him out by our busyness and drive toward independence.

Our resistance may stem from many things, but we eventually begin to see how much we can miss by not readily opening our eyes, heart and mind to the holy in our midst.

Sometimes God may choose to conceal Himself for a while. Then we have to exercise our faith muscles, to trust He is still with us in the dark, grope our way back to believing, have praying companions who come alongside and remind us of God’s goodness, His immanence with us.

God offers us numerous opportunities for connection, whispers words into our consciousness and does everything in His power to gently lure us into a deeper relationship with Him. There is no coercion to be close to God, only an open invitation of constant love.

Our eagerness to discover God hiding in plain sight is more than matched by His willingness to be found. And creation itself is the loudest and clearest clarion call signalling His significant presence with us on a daily basis.

Thoughts of the way we often taste the Holy in sweet, tangible ways and sense an essence of God in our midst have shaped the haiku I’ve written today. All three haiku have been prompted by this week’s poetic haiku challenge of ‘Kiss&Taste’ set by Ronovan Hester. Just click here to visit and meet the man behind the challenge.

Taste of Love

Feel the taste of Love

Descend from heaven above

Kiss your cares away



A Holy kiss

Taste a Holy kiss

Sealing your heart, soul and lips

A divine imprint



Benediction kiss

Holy Spirit sighs

Breathe a benediction kiss

We taste deep inside



What is helping you to sense the holy in your midst?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the conversation below.

23 thoughts on “A taste of the holy invading our everyday

  1. I love your thoughts and haikus, Joy. I especially love the first haiku. It soothes my soul. Your photos, too, are so refreshing. “Creation itself is the loudest and clearest clarion call signalling His significant presence with us on a daily basis.” Yes! Thank you for encouraging me today. Love and hugs to you, my friend!

    • Trudy, you make me see the wisdom in writing more than one haiku – beyond the fact they’re fun to do! It’s intriguing to see how different ones speak to different people. I’m so pleased you were blessed and refreshed here, my friend. Love and hugs to you! xo ❤

  2. Dear Joy, These are such true and beautiful thoughts today! This: “God offers us numerous opportunities for connection, whispers words into our consciousness and does everything in His power to gently lure us into a deeper relationship with Him,” is speaking to my heart so much today. But you are right when you say that He does not “coerce” us into anything, but leaves the choice in our own grasp. I pray that I would be more open to see those opportunities for connection, when I am feeling dry or lifeless, He has a moment to connect with Him somehow, even there. The 2nd Haiku is calling to me–oh to be sealed with that Holy Kiss by Him! Thank you for these precious thoughts, my friend! Hugs! xoxo

  3. Joy, I love them all! I haven’t written any yet, but I’ve done some thinking about it. This week has been busy but good. Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts. “Our eagerness to discover God hiding in plain sight is more than matched by His willingness to be found.” Yes, so true! I’ve been busy so I really needed this reminder to look for the holy in every day moments. Blessings to you, dear Joy! xo

    • Dear Gayl, you are so kind and generous! Thank you for this sweet encouragement. I’m also grateful God gave me some extra thoughts to share that have spoken to you. May the days ahead be ones of deep joy and abundant blessing for you, my friend! xo

  4. Sacred spaces where we look, listen and pray. Yes, friend, I want to create these in my life every day, not just during Advent. Pray without ceasing, Amen. Thank you, sweet Joy for this beautiful offering today.

    • Dear June, as so often happens when God gives me a word to write, He also gently nudges and whispers: this is for you too, My child. And you know what? It always is a word I need to take to heart as well as to share. So I will be joining you in aiming to create those sacred spaces as well. May we both discover just how much God longs for our company and how beloved we really are. Blessed by you being here, sweet friend. You always bring JOY to my heart and the beautiful fragrance of Christ with you whenever you stop by. Thank you! xo ❤

  5. Exactly! I’m always trying to get this across to a couple family members. And in this world that strives to take those moments and spaces away from us all, it’s sometimes hard to remember God is with us every step of the way. Thank you for your wonderful post, Joy. Blessings to you and yours! (Visiting via Barbie’s #glimpsesofhisbeauty link-up.)

    • Hi Diana, it’s lovely to meet you! I’m thankful these words have spoken to you. It was a blessing to pop over and read your inspiring post as well. Thank you so much for visiting. God bless you! 🙂

    • Barbie, they give me pause for thought as well. Your open admission here finds an echo in my own heart: “I can honestly say I’m not always aware of his Holiness, but I want to be.” Oh yes, me too, my friend! And I see and sense the holy on your blog. You write of life and faith in such an inspiring way. God’s light, love and grace shine through your words. Blessings and hugs to you! xo

  6. Hi Joy. Can’t seem to leave comment today using my phone. Love this post. It drew me right in to the Hush. Thank you. I have another new, surprised by heaven’s gift granddaughter, given in adoption love. Chloe Joy. Holding a week old infant in Christmas Week is bringing The Story alive kinesthetically as well as in memory, mind, and heart. Such joy!!

    Sent from my iPhone


    • Hi Laurie, this reached me despite your technical glitches! What wonderful Christmas news you are bearing, my friend. A warm welcome to “heaven’s gift granddaughter, given in adoption love. Chloe Joy” – love her name, by the way. How delightful for all of you!! I had my own early December reminder of the Christ-child, manger-laid infant 38 years ago now. It definitely helps to focus the mind on what Mary and Joseph went through and the wonder of a newborn baby! Maybe that’s why we gave him the name Joseph, now known mostly as Joe to family and friends alike. Rejoicing with you!! Go hug that beautiful child and marvel anew at heaven’s love breaking through. xo ❤

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