Growing strong

On a day when M.E symptoms are invasive, pain ever-present and mind fibro-fogged, I am thankful to God for enough energy and inspiration to join in (a little late) with the creative writing exercise that is Five Minute Friday.

Here, we forget about perfection and write free-flowing, as it comes, for 300 short seconds.

Then we link up to read one another’s work and offer encouragement, because that’s what it’s all about.

The prompt is:‘Tree’


‘As oaks’

We sway, soft saplings weakly quivering in the breeze,

liable to snap, full of fragility, mere semblance of trees.

Supported, staked round, we swell slow

to sit rooted in solid ground.

Our branches thicken over years, becoming weather-resistant,

no longer so suggestive of disruption, surrender and tears.

Leaves begin to unfurl delicate to heat of Son

as sap runs through our bodies

and we expand to sing a universal song.

Tiime and tests strengthen our frame as we sit

rooted, deep in soil of Word and Name,

become as oaks ~ mighty, wide and strong,

encompassing, giving, enduring many years long.

Or bent and broken, storm~withered, dry and dying,

lifeless, weak, we sigh to ground,

longing for nourishment we need and seek.

Drinking deep draughts from waters of grace

and refreshment again, we rise high

 to tower over all our trials

and gain a view of heaven,

midst bare branches of a cross

stretched out for us.



“But blessed is the man who trusts me, God, the woman who sticks with God. They’re like trees planted in Eden, putting down roots near the rivers ~ never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf, serene and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit every season” ~ Jeremiah 17:7 – 8

Linking here with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. You are warmly invited and encouraged to join in.

18 thoughts on “Growing strong

  1. Dear Joy
    Today I feel like the soft, sweet sapling quivering in the wind. The ME/Fm has been my bed partner for about 3 months and words do not flow without an effort. In any case, your poem had such a quality of mystique. Thank again for this great poem.

    • Dear Mia, I fully understand, sympathise and empathise with your current state of health/sickness. It affects me similarly and makes every part of life a huge effort. Thank you so much for taking time to read and leave a lovely comment, my friend. I really appreciate it. Blessings and prayers for healing and strength. Xx

  2. No matter how we sway or bend, or break, our roots are firmly grounded to the cross of our salvation! …”Drinking deep draughts from waters of grace” this keeps our souls nourished and fed from the springs of living water! My heart rejoiced with this writing today Joy! So blessed and encouraged by your writing. God bless your life, and God bless your writing! :)xx

    • They are indeed, Kathy. And that keeps us grounded and strong. Thank you so much for your lovely encouragement, my friend! Every blessing on your life and writing too. I am always refreshed and blessed in reading your words. Xx 🙂

    • Debby, I saw the prompt and froze too! But, thankfully, God prompted me to write (weary as I was) and gifted me with words to share. To God be the glory for the work of my hands. I’m sure you’ll soon feel inspired as He directs your thoughts to those things He chooses you to write. Blessings and love, sweet friend. Xx 🙂

    • Thank you, Lyli. I’m so grateful for the way God takes these few short creative moments and makes something beautiful out of them. And I love Robert Frost’s poetry too, though I haven’t read any for months. Time to revisit him perhaps? Maybe more inspiration will come! Blessings 🙂 xx

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