
Words flutter as birds in my head and I release them here.

Sometimes they fly free.

Other days they sit heavy on my shoulders.

Ears are tickled and nibbled.

Detritus is dropped and settling in occurs.

Until a gust of Holy Spirit wind encourages them gently forward.

And they take flight with wobbly wings of faith.

Such is today’s offering for Five Minute Friday where we write freely for 5 minutes on a given topic ~ no deep reflecting or editing, just poured out prose or poetry from the heart.

This week’s prompt is:’Choose’



Life isn’t as random as it may seem

when we sow our hopes, follow after our dreams

We have some say in who we become,

what we hear, see, read, take into our arms

I can choose to seek after my own way

or follow God’s path each and every day

I choose to seek love, mercy, God’s face,

as I relinquish rejection, shame and disgrace

I choose to pour my heart into this life

despite heavy challenges, struggles and strife

I choose to press hard into God’s best

and find peace as I relax into His rest

I choose to share my journey of healing

even though it’s painful, hard and revealing

I choose to stand up for what I know is right

and wade into those things worth the fight

I choose to give and give some more

in inspired poetic and prose outpour

To share my heart, my words, my dreams,

watch how God breathes His beauty and light

into all that seems out of reach, out of sight



“I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God’s blessing and God’s curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life.” ~ Deuteronomy 30:19

Joining here with Lisa-Jo Baker 

And with Jennifer as I too seek to give up (amongst other things) in this season of Lent: “the inner critic who bruises, the mirror that accuses, and the mental play-back that oozes with bad history” as part of releasing a heart indulgence ~ a ‘Love Idol’ creeping in and taking me away from loving God and loving others fully and freely.

17 thoughts on “Choices

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts here, Toni. I am humbled and grateful to think God used these words to speak to your heart. Bless you for stopping by to encourage me! 🙂 x

    • Dawn, I feel so blessed to have met and connected with you. It seems you speak my language and can relate to mine too. I’m looking forward to where the journey may take us. 🙂 x

      • Thank you for seeing the worth in my choices, Dawn! I’m glad I’m not alone in deciding on these things. Though carrying them out may be another matter entirely. My name is both a great blessing and a bit of a curse at times. I so often fail to live up to it and have had a life full of challenges more than joy. Yet I can gratefully say that the joy of the Lord is my strength! He always upholds me through it all and helps me maintain an attitude of gratitude. Faith is a lovely name, as is Dawn. If I’d had a daughter I was going to give her ‘Dawn’ as a middle name. It speaks of new beginnings and hope. 🙂 x

    • Mandy, your friendship and support are a great blessing to me. And I happen to know you’re a pretty good poet yourself! One day you may want to share your own gift and bless others in the process. I hope so! 🙂 xx

  1. Joy, I have wanted to reply to your last post on my blog. I dont’ have mine set up yet to have replies like i want to – but i wanted to say thank you for your beautiful response. It really blessed me. thank you

    and your poem today is lovely. I think i have written only one or two rhyming poems in my life and i loved reading yours. It’s good to have made a connection with you through Diana’s blog and the community over there.

    • Hi Carol. It’s lovely to see you here. I feel privileged to have met you through Diana’s blog and the rich community of writers and thinkers she has encouraged and developed there. Not all of my poems are rhyming ones but they often flow that way! I’m really pleased you stopped by and enjoyed the offering for FMF. Blessings, new friend. 🙂 x

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