Missing the Muse

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Creativity of any kind is dependent upon a cocktail of inspiration, mystery, application, mastery and perspiration.

We shake the container on a daily basis hoping a refreshing drink will appear without too much effort.

Some days there is scarcely a drop to be found.

On others all flows free and easy and we lap it up quickly before it disappears.

Writing takes sheer grit and determination as much as gift and imagination. Showing up and shipping out is a given.

Though our family responsibilities and other commitments, plus health problems, can cause us to have to draw back for a while. And rest and relaxation are essential too to avoid burnout.

When there is a world of words at our disposal, then it seems a wonder when all is dry and stale inside as they hide and slide away from our grasp.

Though much can stir the creative juices and enhance its processes, there are just as many internal and external factors affecting the outcome.

The poem below was written a few months ago during one of those dry periods. I had tried a few things to help myself get into the mood to write, all to no avail.

Struggle and striving were not going to cut it. This was a day to give in to rest. My weary body and mind needed a break.

And then, as I lay on my bed aimlessly thinking of nothing much at all.. these words began to stir within. I grabbed my pen and paper and wrote them down.

I watched it form, marvelling in amazement as words gathered momentum and dropped onto the page, one by one.

Then heaved a huge sigh of relief before tucking it away in ‘draft’ form to save for a rainy day when it seemed right to release it.

It is no surprise to me that my best source of inspiration is Holy Spirit breathing thoughts into my head, encouraging me to take note of things seen, heard and said.

If I relied completely on my own efforts then I would fall flat on my face ~ Every Single Time.

Limited energy and poor health will only get you so far, even when a strong desire is present. I am so grateful to God for whispering words to inspire creative outpourings when I am flat on my back with an M.E relapse.

And it encourages me to turn all creative endeavours over to God’s will and ways as I pray for daily guidance, help and inspiration to write.

Then, having decided on a piece to use, I pray once more before pressing ‘publish’ that the post will speak to and be a blessing to those who read it.

For if I forget to do that then I’m not just in danger of missing the greatest Muse of all, but of missing the point of being a Christian poet and writer ~ to bring honour and glory to God through the works of my hands.

So here we go again. No perfection here, just one heart sharing with another. Enjoy!

‘One of those days’

Some days the Muse speaks low

in tones we strain to hear,

soft-spoken words that come

and quickly disappear

We know not where they flee

or go, as we stretch our body

in the chair and wriggle toes

We know not why thoughts

fly swift and quick

then scrambled up they get

snuffed out as candle wick

and prove elusive to

pin down, making hearts

sink and faces frown

Returning to our chair we sigh,

with snack, sandwich, drink

and chocolate close by

For brains need fuel

and food to function well

and do their bit ~ and we

need all the help that we can get

Inspiration comes in myriad ways

we console ourselves, and return

our gaze to window watching, TV

viewing, social media screening,

all renewing sudden interest in

life calling loud in all around

when every creative thought lies bound

Best to get some exercise

with fingers lying idle, so we rise

and seek another occupation for a while

to entertain our weary minds, until we find,

relaxed at ease, thoughts surge and flood

the brain ~ quick! ~ get them down

before they stop and shut up shop again


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Earth, wind and fire

As we mark the occasion of Pentecost, I am considering the varied ways in which Holy Spirit makes Himself known to us.

He gives us life and breath.

Initiates our new birth.

Provides all we need during life on earth.

Sustains us through to mortal death.

He hovers over all, anoints, equips and saves.

The author of our life ~  keeper of our days.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” ~ Genesis 1:1-2

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“Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest?’ I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest” ~ John 4:35

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“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what appeared to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them” ~ Acts2:1-4

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Making space for not knowing

Spiritual insight can hover light as butterfly in the air, fluttering gentle in the breeze, alighting soft on our senses.

Or nudge like a querulous child, becoming ever insistent.

Maybe it sparks bright, a lightning flash of inspiration.

However it strikes us ~ holy whisper or holy fire ~ we do well to pay attention.

Any reading of Scripture yields wisdom and insight as much as it throws curve balls.

We put on Holy Spirit lenses to help us focus on the meaning, application and practical outworking.

“What do we do with all the hard/weird stuff in the Bible?”  is the question being pondered over at Diana’s place this week. Do we ignore, refuse to ‘go there’, puzzle, pause, pray, or something else?

Some of how we answer it depends on our faith roots. I began my faith journey in a happy-clappy Pentecostal church, drifted into Baptist, kept a foot in Anglican, and spent many years in Independent Evangelical.

Over time, my ‘bible-thumping-in-your-face-are-you-saved?‘ days gave way to deeper reflection and grace. Made space for the ‘not knowing’ aspects of faith.

Now I am leaning toward the Contemplative and finding church is everywhere (TV and internet)  and nowhere in particular for me when housebound by M.E.

And in the letting go of fixed ideas, hungering after authenticity wherever I can find it, I find myself in a position of simply wanting to let go of too much concern about all I don’t understand.

The Bible is God’s great narrative, His story to draw us into relationship with Him ~ the whole purpose of it all.

The essence of Christian faith is faith in a Person ~ Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And people are complicated. So why shouldn’t God be even more so in the way He operates?

We can only move forward in faith, trudge wary of the weird stuff, trusting Him to reveal all He desires us to know in His own timing.

‘Trudge wary’

I tread timid, blind, in need of a Guide

I trudge wary, uncertain ~ with You by my side

And if You should choose to keep things concealed

it makes me appreciate all that’s revealed

There are treasures hidden in darkness deep

to be mined by those with eyes to seek

Challenge and certainty, joy and adversity

all wrapped up in Your word ~ to loose, set free

There are areas that puzzle, confuse and stretch our minds

and others of the straightforward, simple kind

For I still can barely comprehend

Your mercy and grace, love without end

So why should I, with great temerity,

expect You to reveal all things to me?

Should I not make room, give space

for the protective nature of Your grace

Allow for Your Spirit to open my eyes

in a gradual way ~ day after day

Knowing I can only handle so much

surprise, information, knowledge, as such?


God is always speaking. He is never silent. Sometimes we cannot hear Him above the chaos of the world or the noise of our own thoughts. Time taken to listen attentively is never time wasted. Much can be gained in the Quiet Place.

In essence:Although I’ll continue to wonder, ponder, question and seek answers, I also choose to rest easy in God’s great sovereignty. He alone knows how to encourage open-hearted investigation while making sure we receive all that is necessary for us to trust and believe and live well for Him.

 Joining here with friends:Diana, Mel and Lyli