eyes: looking for the eternal rainbow of hope


Our eyes swivel with hope, desiring to discern wonder, keen to see how Mystery pervades the everyday. A rainbow is seen as a sign of hope and blessing. In biblical terms, it reveals God’s eternal covenant with mankind. We also see it as a marker of His glory and splendour.

The eyes of our heart slowly become awakened by God’s glory and grace, made aware of His penetration of everything. For our heavenly Father eagerly desires us to discover and be drawn into relationship with Him.

We begin to chase the rainbow of Holy Light, seeking to unearth deep treasure hidden within the pages of Scripture. Because a shaded life is made bright by grace. 

As we trace Christ’s steps to Calvary, become awed by His risen resurrection victory, we begin to see the cost of so great a salvation—abundant, lavish, rich and free.

Gradually, we are transformed from the inside out, enlivened by God’s grace, given a brand new start, new life, new heart. No longer are we in a driven race for success but in a place of deep, abiding soul rest.

The darkness within is a result of sin, as we wrestle with our flawed desires and the heat of them. But God has paved The Way for us to become reunited with Him. A road of Love, a public pathway of Christ’s freely spilt and poured out blood.

Who will quench the fire?

Behold our desires

like hot eyes of flame inside

Who will quench the fire?



God’s eyes roam throughout the whole earth. He sees you and me and we look lovely in His sight, viewed as we are through the lens of unconditional Love, a beautiful mirrored reflection of His Son.

Dart of love

We are beholden

God’s sharp, keen-eyed dart of love

has pierced our armour



Once we have tasted God’s glory and grace, it makes us hungry to know more. Our inner and outer eyes become better attuned to His presence with us, even as they yearn for the Day when Jesus returns physically to earth in full power and splendour.

We behold glory

We behold glory

Hearts fill with wonder—eyes see

Jesus is with us



The words above were inspired by this week’s haiku challenge prompt of ‘Behold&Eye’, set by our Poet Master, Ronovan. Just click here to read the great posts being shared and join in if you want to have a go!  🙂

10 thoughts on “eyes: looking for the eternal rainbow of hope

  1. I’m so grateful God brightens our shaded lives, Joy. Thank you for the reminder. The last Haiku and graphic especially capture my heart. Also the first photo of a rainbow. There is such hope and promise in rainbows, isn’t there? Longing to behold His glory with you, my friend. Love and hugs!

    • Trudy, rainbows do tend to lift the spirits, don’t they? Especially when we spy their glory peeking out of darkening cloud. There’s something almost magical about their multicoloured rays. And what a lovely reminder they are to us of God’s continual presence! May you always see traces of God’s glory threaded through the darkest days, my friend. Though we might have to look harder sometimes and train our eyes to search out wonder in the everyday ordinary. Your blog posts suggest you already have keen spiritual vision and a deep appreciation of the beauty that surrounds you. Blessings, love and hugs to you! xo

  2. Dear Joy,
    What beautiful thoughts to read this afternoon! He has cleansed us and looks at us through his eyes of love. This is true – “Once we have tasted God’s glory and grace, it makes us hungry to know more.”

    I really love your graphics and your haiku today! Blessings to you my sweet poet friend! xoxo

    • Dear Gayl, thank you for distilling the essence of my thoughts to this lovely phrase: “He has cleansed us and looks at us through his eyes of love.” Amen, He certainly has and does! I’m grateful for your poetic eye appreciating this week’s haiku offering. I hadn’t planned for the graphics to almost mirror one another, but by the time I’d completed the first one and looked for images for the others, they naturally presented themselves like this. I really enjoyed your haiku too, sweet poet friend! Bless you for the lovely encouragement. xoxo

  3. Dear Joy,
    Yes! Your thoughts ring so true with me today! In this shaded life, we are seeking for light, and yet we hide from it at the same time, don’t we? How amazing, what a change happens when we realize we are seen:
    “We are beholden
    God’s sharp, keen-eyed dart of love
    has pierced our armour”
    Your words brought such encouragement to me today, dear friend. Whenever I realize that HE sees me, and everything that affects me, there is such a flow of Mercy present. Thank you so much for your beautiful Haiku today, wonder-gifts from God! Blessings to you Dear Poet/Sister! xoxo

    • Dear Bettie, oh how I love it when a reader replies, “Yes!” It’s so thrilling to be given words that resonate strongly within another’s heart, isn’t it? God provides the inspiration, timing and means by which we can be a blessing to others, and it never fails to move me when that happens. When I wrote “We are beholden” I was mainly thinking about it as the debt we owe our gracious God, but you have drawn out its alternative meaning of being seen and paid attention to. How great is that?! And then you say, “Whenever I realize that HE sees me, and everything that affects me, there is such a flow of Mercy present”, which makes me more aware of just how God sees us. So your words have blessed and encouraged me too. Thank you, sweet sister/poet/friend! xoxo

  4. Hello Joy! All three of your poems are powerful and inspiring. You come across as someone who is continuously inspired and it shows through in your writing. ‘The darkness within is a result of sin, as we wrestle with our flawed desires and the heat of them.’ What a compelling sentence!
    I love that rainbow picture, it’s amazing. 😀 xx

    • Hello Vashti! It’s lovely to see you here and to hear how all three poems have spoken to you. I have God to thank for every bit of inspiration with words and images. He works with my weakness and creates something beautiful for people to appreciate. I agree with you about that sentence. Pretty hard hitting, isn’t it? Sometimes I feel a bit wary of putting strong things out on the blogs, but I try to only do so if they are appropriate for the subject matter and I sense God wants me to share those thoughts. Rainbows are so captivating, aren’t they? We value them for their rarity, as well as for what they can indicate to us. Hope your week has gone well, my friend. I’ve found it more challenging than usual to stop by the blogs I usually frequent but I hope to visit you soon. Sadly, fatigue is definitely getting the better of me these days. :/ Have a blessed weekend! 🙂 xo

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