Aspects of hope


One of the saddest things in life is to be so beaten down by our circumstances that we lose hope, albeit temporarily.

It is said that as long as there is life there is hope.

I believe we need hope to stir us into life. Aspects of hope to revive us.

Without it our dreams die, joy withers, apathy and resignation take the place of purposeful activity.

Our hope in God is not false comfort, or a misplaced yearning.

Rather, it is a courageous leap of faith where we believe in God’s impossibly wonderful grace and goodness, and discover that they are the surest thing possible.

Only God can bring beauty from ashes, joy out of adversity, and praise out of despair.

He shines His light in the darkest of places and overcomes the darkness. His Light will never be extinguished. It blazes hot into eternity.

All may look  gloomy and grim...but God… can change our attitude within.

We trust in His power to breathe life into what seems dead.

To help us to hang on when we are at the end of our rope.

All it takes is a flicker of faith to ignite a spark of hope out of hopelessness. 

So don’t lose heart or hope, my friend.

Turn to His word and receive the promises wrapped up in hope.

Come boldly before the throne of grace and be refueled and refreshed.

Lay down your weary head and let go of all that weighs heavy on you.

God is waiting to pour His love out on you and stir the embers of hope back into life again.


Hope deferred

makes a heart sicken

countenance gloom, eyes dim,

mood of doom, no joy within,

shoulders sink, frame bending,

tears blink, misery descending

Hope heard

makes a heart quicken

chin lifting, quavery glow,

something is shifting we know,

a tiny flicker rises again

no candle-wick snuffed out by Him

Hope stirred

makes a heart begin

to survive onslaughts

and thrive against aught

devouring God’s word, we heed

its message believed and received


Linking here with Beth,  Holley and Jennifer

candlewick ~ aspects of hope PJ file image pin

14 thoughts on “Aspects of hope

    • Hi Trudy. Thanks very much for stopping by. I’m so pleased this spoke to you! May your hope be rekindled and your faith strengthened for the days ahead. God bless you, friend. 🙂 x

    • Thank you, Katie! Sorry for my slow reply. I think your comment slipped the net for a while and didn’t get seen until I came back to the dashboard here. I’m so pleased this spoke to you. Bless you for your sweet encouragement, friend. 🙂 x

  1. I love this one! I randomly choose tea cups to drink from and today my hand landed on a cup inscribed “Hope.” I think The Lord is using you to remind me of something on a gloomy day! Thank you!

    • Thank you, Amy! I’m so pleased this spoke to you. And I love how God directs our paths to the extent of which cup we choose to drink out of! Having just visited your site and read a beautiful poem which was very meaningful to me, I believe God is also using you to speak to me. Blessings to you, friend. 🙂 x

    • Jamie, having just read the lovely poem you have written about hope I can say with some assurance that you are definitely a poet and can feel confident calling yourself one! Thank you for stopping by here to offer encouragement and to share your own work. God bless you, friend. 🙂 x

  2. Joy, it was son wonderful to see you linkup for TWW. Thanks you for joining us. You write so beautifully and I always love your poems.
    My heart always leaps with joy at those two words, “But God…” They are always followed by good news. Loved this >>> “All it takes is a flicker of faith to ignite a spark of hope out of hopelessness.” Let Hope in.
    Blessings to you. xoxo

    • Hi Beth. It’s a privilege to participate in TWW! Thank you so much for your kindness and encouragement. I share your excitement at the words, “But God..” because they suggest anything and everything is possible when God steps in. All we need are eyes to see it, faith to respond and a heart to obey what He asks us to do. May you have a weekend filled with joy and hope. Bless you, friend. 🙂 xx

  3. Hi Joy! Your poem is so touching. Hope deferred makes a heart sicken…that is so true! Thank you for your encouraging words today. To keep turning myself to the Lord for help. Then my chin will lift! With him, I can realize the hope that he’s ‘got it’ and I need only remain in faith. He will lead.
    Love this my friend!

    • Hi Ceil. It’s good to see you here! I’m really pleased the poem spoke to you. It’s so easy to lose our hope and fail to recharge it again, isn’t it? Trust and obedience will bring us greater confidence and hope as we walk closely with the Lord. May you know the joy of His Presence filling you with hope and peace in the days ahead. Bless you, my friend. 🙂 xx

    • Hi Heather. It’s lovely to meet you! Thanks very much for stopping by to offer such sweet encouragement. May you also live blessed and be filled with hope. 🙂 x

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