Because of Him

child writing file image PJ because of him post

Writing is a strange occupation. Not one for the faint-hearted.

There are days where words flow freely and we write out our hearts.

On others, it feels like the tap has run dry and ceased its outpouring.

We squeeze and coax them to appear like getting blood out of a stone.

Some days they demand a great deal of energy to pin down on the page.

I’ve been trying to save energy because it will only stretch so far when you have M.E, and  life has recently become much busier for me in many ways.

If I extend myself too much it leads to a ‘crash and burn’ reaction which can cause further relapse in symptoms.

So I took a mini social media and blogging break to recoup some strength.

Pain has been pervasive and leached more life out of this weary frame. And sleep/rest/pacing have become the order of the day.

But I felt a creative itch and urge simmering beneath the surface. It’s never far away though it hibernates sometimes.

Little snatches of verse have been born (and some made public) as I joined in with poetic prompts on Twitter both prior to and since ending my needful break.

Listening and leaning are the new watchwords of my life this year and they are bearing fruit as I abide closer to God.

There is far less urgent clamour about my writing and a lot more trust that words will appear when they should.

I’m discovering it’s a restful place to be in as I surrender the whole process to God. He gives me all the inspiration and words I need.

I long to break free from rigid conformity, from formality, from ought and should, from comparison and feeling ‘less than’.

Joining in with Five Minute Friday has given me permission to ditch perfectionism and embrace the gift of the inspired moment as I offer my words to public scrutiny.

Here I am again, with renewed gratitude that stems from seeing how God uses weak, weary and wounded ones like you and me to speak out for Him.

I can write again. Words have come when I least expected them to….because of Him.




I don’t want to write

just because

it is what

I usually do

or because

I want to have a say

These words should come

because You

have thoughts You desire

me to convey

And You know just who

needs to be

encouraged by You

in prayerful offering

which becomes

sacrificial giving

surrendered in this way

So I come willingly

because that’s

how things ought to be

and happen naturally

Here is my pen, my mind,

my heart, my soul

Please take and use them

to bless, heal and help

make others whole

Write Your Word

upon my heart

Inscribe Your ideas

as I start

to write, and allow

them all to flow

because I

have surrendered them

into Your hands

and for Your plans



pen and journal file pin image PJ

Joining here with Kate and fellow #FMF writers as we write bold and brave today. You are very welcome and warmly invited to join in and to discover how you can write this way every day for a whole month if you want to.

13 thoughts on “Because of Him

  1. You are speaking the longing of my heart, Joy. Oh, to give it all over into His hands. “I long to break free from rigid conformity, from formality, from ought and should, from comparison and feeling ‘less than’.” Me, too! And to trust He will give us the inspiration and the words. Thank you. Hugs!

    • Trudy, I pray that God will give both of us a greater ability to listen to and trust in Him as He pours out inspiration and words. And the courage to share those things He is laying on our hearts. It’s hard to break free from old patterns of believing and behaving but by God’s grace we can. Blessings and love to you, friend. 🙂 x

  2. Hi Joy! I hope your blog-break was a time of rest and peace. Sure sounds like it was! Now you can wait for the words and not feel that overpowering urgency to write. Wow. I wonder what that must be like…I can’t wait to experience that myself.

    To write because he calls…sounds like a theme song.

    • Hi Ceil! It’s lovely to see you here. I’m sorry I’ve not been able to keep up with all you’ve been doing lately but I hope you are well. Yes, I am in that restful phase of waiting for the words to flow and “not feel that overpowering urgency to write”, even though it feels quite a scary place to be in too. I’ll be able to let you know more about what that’s like soon because I am going to be blogging about it here and at over at my sister site, ‘Words of Joy’. Hopefully, I can inspire you and others to try it too! Blessings. 🙂 x

  3. Pingback: Doing it afraid - Words of Joy

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