I want to fly free

fly free web PJ

Do you ever get days when the world seems to crush you with the weight of their collective opinion?

The internet can be a great place to hang out but it can also leave us feeling invisible in the stream of news and views, likes and shares or the lack thereof.

Maybe you feel caught in a comparison trap where you appear to be less favourably situated than others are? Me too, sometimes.

If so, today’s poem (written a while back when energy was more available) may speak to your insecure soul and lead you to seek your worth and value primarily in how God views you.

Because we are infinitely precious, dearly beloved and deeply special to Him.

Yes, you too. You really are. Just As You Are. He knows and notices everything about you.

You can fly free of people-approval because you’re already pre-approved by God.

You can let go the need to impress because you’re special to Him.

You can rest in His grace for every circumstance and His peace for every problem.

You can be reassured of God’s great faithfulness to take good care of you all the days of your life.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” ~ Lamentations 3:22 – 23

Fly free

I’m stuck fast like a wasp

in a honey-pot, caught like

a fly in a web of deceit

because I’ve bought into

the lie that I’m incomplete

without fame and acclaim

tasting oh so sweet

It spins soft as sugar

as it wraps round our thoughts

and persuades us we’re not

quite as good as we ought

to be, not adequate or

enough for the likes of

Them who decide if

we’re out or in, you see

And I soon sicken of

the sugary smiles and

false acclaim offered

to us if we’ve made

our name, or the pain

we feel of being ‘less than’

in another’s eyes due to

their flawed opinion

I just want to fly free

of it all, and spread my

wings onto purer

and sweeter and better things

My soul seeks the solace

of being grounded in grace

where I can be my true self

in God’s accepting embrace


 “Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine. ..Since you are precious and honoured in my sight, and because I love you.” ~ Isaiah 43:1, 4

This is day 14 of 31 days of #fiveminutefreewrites taking place with these prompts over at Kate Motaung’s place. I’m joining in as often as I can, even if my posts are not necessarily written on the day itself, because there’s grace to participate in your own way.

If you’d like to see the rest of my posts in this series, the majority can be found at my‘Words of Joy’ blog. I’d love to see you there! 🙂

I’m also linking with Jennifer for #TellHisStory and Holley for #coffeeforyourheart

fly free PJ poem pin

5 thoughts on “I want to fly free

  1. Hello Joy — Thank you for this. PERFECT timing. Father knows…

    Over the last few months I have struggled with the name/fame game and have come to a point, like you,

    > My soul seeks the solace > > of being grounded in grace > > where I can be my true self > > in God’s accepting embrace >

    Be my true self…It’s all any of us can be or should aspire to…

    How are you feeling, dear friend? Any relief from your challenges?

    Our weather in NY is still temperate and the leaves have turned lovely shades of russet, and orange and crimson and gold. We took a walk around a little pond an hour north of us last Sunday and it was so tranquil and lovely.

    I love seeing your grand babies on FB. Thanks for sharing their cute little faces.

    Well…I will close now. Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and that your words had impacted my heart.

    Blessings, love and hugs… sheila


    • Hello Sheila, it’s good to see you, my friend! Yes, Father knows just what we need to see and read and how it will impact us. I’m honoured He has used the words above to speak to you.

      Being authentic and true to ourselves may run counter-cultural at times but is the best way for Christ followers to live well as His ambassadors and stay grounded in Him.

      I bet you took some lovely photos on your walk. Autumn/Fall is such a beautiful season. Please crunch some leaves for me next time you’re out!

      Thanks for enjoying the pics of my grandson. He’s the only grandchild we have to date, but maybe he looks different in each one I take..lol.

      Lovely friend, I appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers. Life remains challenging but God makes it not only bearable but still glorious somehow by His grace in the dark places.

      Blessings and hugs to you too! Xx >3

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