aspects: seeing God’s hand at work best in community #thedailyhaiku 17


As the Body of Christ, we each have aspects of God’s work in us to testify to, an offering to bring to the table, a unique perspective to share, an individual voice which carries more weight than we know.

You or I might discount ourselves as unworthy, insignificant, with nothing much to contribute. But that’s just not true. We need YOU, my friend, and you need us. Because together we are so much stronger than when attempting to walk alone.

Faith walking is a tough journey, requiring grit and determination, persistence and endurance to run the race to the end. When we are weak and wounded, our brothers and sisters come alongside us, lifting us up in prayer, being soul companions and giving practical help where applicable. And we do the same thing for them.

God intended it that way, even if we rarely see true harmony or compassion in action in the world around. Flawed and foolish as we are and usually know ourselves to be, we can still be wisdom, salt and light for one another, revealing aspects of Christ’s loving, servant-heart at work in us.


in community

each person reflects aspects

of the face of God


10 thoughts on “aspects: seeing God’s hand at work best in community #thedailyhaiku 17

  1. Dear Joy,
    This is so true! And thank you my friend, for being that aspect of God’s Grace to me also! I appreciate your friendship, and your heart for expressing God’s heart! Blessings, Love and Hugs to you! xoxo

    • Dear Bettie, how typically sweet and generous of you to say these lovely things! I appreciate YOU so much! Your friendship, support, shared experiences, prayers, understanding, compassion and loving companionship have been a great means of grace to me ever since our paths crossed in the blogging arena. Blessings, love and hugs to you! xoxo ❤

  2. You are one of those who have taught me the value of community, Joy. 🙂 I’m still a work in progress, but God is showing me more and more that all communities are not hurtful but can be loving and supportive if I dare to let them in. Love and hugs to you!

    • Trudy, it’s been a privilege to walk this path with you and to watch you grow in confidence, reach and influence. You have definitely found both your niche and your voice. A slow start seems to have done you no harm. On the contrary, you have come on in leaps and bounds since I first knew you. As you open yourself vulnerably to your readers, they are reciprocating wonderfully. I think that even without deliberation, you have built a strong, supportive community on your blog. And I praise God for it and for YOU! Your care and kndness towards others is very evident. Keep on opening up, my friend, as God grants you courage and strength to do so. Love and hugs to you! xo 😊💜

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