transcendence: getting to know God for ourselves #thedailyhaiku 14


Transcendence is one of the characteristics of God. He transcends time, the universe itself, all human knowledge, experience and ability. God is beyond our comprehension yet He has comprehensively made Himself known in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.

God’s presence is sensed rather than seen, felt deep in our hearts, perceived and accepted by faith, though some receive a tangible sign of Him being with them. God’s transcendence isn’t a barrier to being in relationship with Him.

We can take comfort in God’s faithfulness and His existing forever (eternal), living forever (immortal), all knowing (omniscient), present in all places at all times (omnipresent) and all powerful (omnipotent) nature, because we can totally trust and depend on Him.

What our eyes or minds cannot see or sense paves the way for Holy Mystery, for faith and trust, for awakening an inner knowing beyond the ordinary, even as God makes Himself known to us in the everyday experiences of our lives.

It’s often by receiving unexpected peace in our hearts, especially when we are going through trials and tribulations, that God’s constant nearness to us is made known. He is the Prince of Peace who gives rest to our restless souls, as we pray and spend time in His presence.

Our limitations no longer trouble us so much when we depend more on God’s resources than our own, bringing His unlimited help, grace and support to aid us in our time of need.


luminous presence

transcends my limitations

with deep touch of peace


What we can sense and experience  is the life transforming power of God’s love for us when we open ourselves to Him, as described in the video below…


11 thoughts on “transcendence: getting to know God for ourselves #thedailyhaiku 14

    • Thanks, Laurie, glad you like it! It’s one of my photo edited ones. You can get some interesting, arty effects with the app I use. It did seem to convey a sense of mystery and otherworldliness to me. I love how you’ve described it so poetically. Chinking my virtual champagne glass to yours, dear friend. Cheers! May gloom be gone and sparkle be maintained in weary hearts and minds. xo 🙂 ❤

  1. “It’s often by receiving unexpected peace in our hearts, especially when we are going through trials and tribulations, that God’s constant nearness to us is made known.” I know this is true, because I’ve experienced it many times. Thanks for your encouraging words, tonight, Joy.

    Blessings and hugs! xo

    • Gayl, it certainly is a peace that passes understanding, marvellously calming our fretful hearts with God’s reassuring presence and constant love. In these times of world turmoil, trouble, pain and strife, we are all in great need of the Prince of Peace to walk beside us. Have a blessed weekend, dear friend. Love and hugs! 😊 💜

  2. Dear Joy,
    “God is beyond our comprehension yet He has comprehensively made Himself known in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.” This touched me so much, just thinking how amazing it is that we are invited in to know the Creator, through Jesus, His Son. May I never take that for granted–no matter how hard the trials are, He wants me to know Him better through it all. Thank you for this beautiful photo and Haiku today. You captured a mystery within it! Much Love & Hugs! xoxo

    • Dear Bettie, those words hit me afresh as I checked this post prior to publishing it. Such undeserving grace! Such unmerited love! Yes, everything we go through is intended to throw us time and again on God’s mercy, grace and unfailing love. I’m so thankful for your words and pleased you could perceive an air of mystery and transcendence here. May your day be filled with the joy of the Lord. Much love and hugs! xoxo 😊 💜

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