summer’s ghost lingers #thedailyhaiku 29


Do you have a favourite season? I’m particularly fond of autumn and spring. I favour the former for its burnished leaves and ethereal mists, the cooling down (yet not too cold for being outside) aspects it has, as we hunker closer to cosy home comforts.

Spring suggests a freshness, a blowing away of cobwebs, an awakening to emerging light and new life after winter hibernation, slumber and lengthy darkness. It’s when we celebrate Christ’s resurrection, bringing holy Hope and Joy to winter-weary hearts. It’s a gentle precursor to summer, a herald in the heart of better days to come, even as frost rimes the ground.

I’m looking forward to seeing spring again, while remembering summer’s passing. Here we are in the thrall of golden autumnal days, mellow haze and crisping of leaves. Summer is receding into the background of our minds, becoming ghost-like, made delicious by fond remembrance, like a warm hug from a distant friend.

God has given us a great variety of seasonal delights to savour. I’d love to hear how the seasons speak to you, how they affect your thinking, inform your creativity or simply make you happy. Feel free to leave a comment below…  🙂

summer’s ghost lingers

summer’s ghost lingers
tasting like wine on the tongue
now autumn has come

9 thoughts on “summer’s ghost lingers #thedailyhaiku 29

  1. Dear Joy,
    What a beautiful image of an autumn landscape! Although springtime is my favorite time of year, and usually I dread the approach of winter, I am asking God to show me the gifts in each season now. Once again, we were thinking on the same wavelength, as I just wrote in my journal another lovely quote about winter! As God keeps confirming those things to me, I sense that He wants me to pay attention! May I let Him have His way in these changing seasons of my life. Blessings to you dear friend! xoxo

    • Dear Bettie, thank you for your appreciation of the photograph. It was taken a year or so ago, close to home, around sunset, though I have enhanced the colours a bit. We rarely have such stunning leaves as you might see! You have inspired me to also ask God for the ability to see the gifts in each season. They can elude us if we approach the changes with resentment in our hearts, or with a focus on the negative aspects instead of the positive ones. I love the way your comments always add depth to my words and enrich how I see life and faith. Blessings, love and hugs to you, sweet friend! 😊 💜

  2. Funny how sometimes our memories can make something better than it actually was… I used to say that summer was my favorite season but as time goes on I’m beginning to fall in love with all the seasons. I’ll always be a summer girl but I’m learning to appreciate the individual blessings each season brings. Today’s haiku one of my favorites yet, Joy! Blessings on your Sabbath!

    • You’re right, June, our memory often does play tricks on us. I’m inspired by your attitude of choosing to fall in love with all the seasons, not just a chosen one or two! Because we should try to see and savour the best attributes of each one. I’m also quite fond of today’s haiku. Thank you for letting me know you like it! Hope your Sabbath has been restful and blessed, dear friend. xo 😊 💜

    • You are greatly blessed in appreciating them all, Tara! That’s a lovely gift of gratitude you have and a great ability to see loveliness in a wide variety of things. Bless you, my friend! xo ❤

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