melody: how it echoes through nature and life

“There’s a melody in everything. And once you find the melody, then you connect immediately with the heart.” — Carlos Santana

Nature’s melody

I long to hear
the call of ancient sounds
from our primeval ancestry,
echoes of days
before our history scrawled
its way upon the page.

May birdsong beckon
me to a deeper
sense of belonging
and connectivity
to all sentient things.

May the swish
of sea washing waves
on sand become
a rhythmic melody,
like a heartbeat.

Let whispering wind
speak hushed words
I can only sense if I listen
mindfully, carefully,
with greater intent.

Let me allow
more space for creation’s song
to sing loud and long
repeatedly into my depleted
soul creativity.

May I ache for
understanding of nature’s
melody, while it breathes
and speaks soft
to every living
creature—and to me.

“Nature is man’s teacher. She unfolds her treasure to his search, unseals his eye, illumes his mind, and purifies his heart; an influence breathes from all the sights and sounds of her existence.” — Alfred Billings Street

“I arise today through
The strength of heaven:
The light of the sun,
The radiance of the moon,
The splendour of fire.
The speed of lightning,
The swiftness of wind,
The depth of the sea,
The stability of the earth,
The firmness of rock.”
— Saint Patrick, an excerpt from his Breastplate Prayer

melody - excerpt from Saint Patrick's breastplate prayer

Much evidence exists, anecdotal and otherwise, that spending time in nature is healing for body and soul. Forest bathing is being touted as a good thing, as is gardening, because nature has the ability to lift us out of our daily preoccupations and worries. It’s even been said to help alleviate the symptoms of depression.

Listening to the sounds of nature is also beneficial and freely available to all. Because even in city life there are plants, trees, clouds, birds and sky.  Creation continually sings its melody to us, and we hear it if our ears are receptive enough to listen.

And if, like me, you cannot get out into a natural environment as much as you want to, the video below might help you feel like you are there, and possibly relax you as well. Because we could all use an extra bit of stress relief right now… 😊❤️🌿

melody - trees - leaves - sunlight - nature's melody poem excerpt (C) joylenton

10 thoughts on “melody: how it echoes through nature and life

  1. Good morning dear Joy, thank you so much for drawing me into His creation with you. Oh how I too long to hear Him through His wind, His creatures, His water. Your words blessed me. May you hear His call coming through your screens or while you sit on your porch. Love, Julie

    • Good evening/bedtime to you, dear Julie! I’m glad you desire closeness with creation too and have been blessed by this post. I usually notice nature out of my windows or whenever I can venture outside for a while in a garden, especially when visiting our sons. Our property doesn’t have a porch or screen to view from, which is quite common in the UK. But I try to make the most of my limited view. Videos such as I’ve shared here are helpful too. Blessings and love to you. xo 💜

  2. Thank you dear Joy for these beautiful and flowing words. I am drawn so much to nature, even just looking out the window can lift my heart away from its own worries. And thank you for the beautiful video! My husband and I have been watching “virtual hikes” through National Parks this week also. Even watching and listening that way is a gift of peace too. May the Lord shower you with His “understanding of nature’s melody.” So beautifully! Hugs and love to you dear friend. xoxo

    • Dear Bettie, I think a housebound life makes us hungry for beauty and signs of life, both of which are found in abundance in nature. Life’s simple pleasures mean so much more when we’re deprived of them, don’t they? Just as we’re all discovering during the pandemic. I also have to satisfy my desires with a glance out of glass. Yet even a look “can lift my heart away from its worries” and bring a sense of peace. I love the thought of watching “virtual hikes” and must check them out. What a great idea! Yes, even the virtual observance and sound of nature’s melody are better than doing without because they bring us peace. Thank you for the showering blessing. That sounds delightful! Love and hugs to you, too, dear friend! xoxo 💜

  3. Oh thank you, Joy! Amen to all of this. Nature’s sights and sounds have become even more precious to me. Your poem speaks my heart longings and the sound of the water and the birds soothes my soul. Just a bit ago, A bird came outside my office window and perched on top of the crook that holds the feeder. A beautiful red cardinal! So rare to see one so closely. I took a picture, but in my hurry it wasn’t very clear. He flew away quickly, but he was like a hug from God. 🙂 Love and blessings to you, my dear friend!

  4. Dear Joy, thank you so very much for these truly beautiful words. What you have written is such a lovely message for us all. Your words speak deeply to my heart and are so enriching and encouraging. A wonderful reminder of the beauty of nature and of the closeness of God in all that is around us. Bless you and thank you. With love, Elizabeth xx

    • Dear Elizabeth, I think nature’s beauty, and call to pay attention to its Source, speaks to something innate in us all, a part which seeks answers and loves living things. I’m grateful to have been given words that have blessed your heart. I love having opportunity to encourage others, if possible. Yes, the “closeness of God” seems clearer the closer we are to creation’s beauty and majestic power. Because He has chosen to reveal Himself in that way, and to bring us joy and delight as we notice it. Blessings and love to you, too, beloved friend. xo ❤️

  5. Joy, this is all so beautiful! Nature has a way of bringing calm into my day if I would only remember to take a few minutes each day to step outside. And God has created such beauty all around us. In the rural area where I live, we are close to the woods. All day long I hear the song of the wood thrush, one of my favorite bird sounds. Thank you for reminding us to pause and listen to the song of nature and take in the beauty to calm our souls. Blessings to you! I’m sharing this post on my blogpost today. Much love! xoxo

    • Gayl, it’s a joy to see you here, my friend! I’m so glad this post resonated with you. It was one of my favourite ones to write. How lovely to live in a rural area, close to woods, able to hear the wood thrush singing to you! I imagine you are reminded to pause and listen more than most because of your close proximity to it all. Yes, the beauty and sounds of nature can be soothing and calming. We need that now more than ever, don’t we? And how kind and generous of you to share this with your readers! I hope to pop over tomorrow and catch up with your post. Much love, grateful hugs and blessings to you, too! xoxo 💜

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