Our true home

Do you ever crave for more than this life offers?

Feel a desire to be elsewhere.

Feel out of synch, out of place, like you don’t belong here.

Have a yearning for a place you can’t quite put your finger on.

Those feelings are a way that God speaks to us with eternal longings that are placed within our spirit.

We are made for more than ordinary.

We are created for the extraordinary privilege of being in relationship with our Creator God.

Our lives revolve around the natural while we experience and begin to crave touches of the supernatural.

As the old song says, this world is not our home, we’re just passing through it.

Though many years pass here, we also have eternity to spend in God’s presence.

And just now and then, a brief flicker of recognition burns in our soul as we sense a degree of heaven on earth.

Gain a foretaste of the riches of grace poured out for us here and those still to come.

Find a hunger in our hearts for more ~ even as something stirs within, our hearts are touched and eyes are opened to God at work.

“Earth’s crammed with heaven ~ And every common bush afire with God ~ But only he who sees takes off his shoes ~ The rest sit around and pluck blackberries” ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I long to be one who sees.

How about you?


A far off country

as close as our next breath

Seated now in heavenly places

known completely after death

Glimpsed in a loved one’s eyes

and the cries of a newborn’s birth

Way beyond moon, stars or skies

close and familiar as earth

Sometimes it’s hard to believe

we will live and belong there

It takes grace and faith to receive

the Truth and Hope we will share

All the joys and the glory

of a life surrendered to God

We’re already part of the story

of the path which Jesus trod

No matter what our ponderings

no matter where we now roam

despite all future wanderings

heaven is our heart’s true Home


I am honoured to have this poem featured today on Joy de Kok’s site. Do check out the great poetry there.

Day 27 of  31 days ~ #poetryforthesoul

8 thoughts on “Our true home

  1. Dear Joy
    I remember the first time our Pappa revealed to me that His Kingdom is within my heart (Luke 17:20-21). It was as if unspeakable joy and peace filled my heart and I knew then that I was only a pilgrim on my way Home! Great poem, dear friend.
    Blessings XX

    • What a wonderful revelation that is, Mia! How it encourages, lifts and strengthens us for this journey toward our eternal Home. Thank you, as always, for taking time to visit and bless me hugely with your lovely comment. Xx

    • And what a longing it is at times, Kathy! We find ourselves yearning for our heavenly home and our Bridegroom. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I really appreciate all the support you give me and can only repeat the same to you ~ “God’s richest blessings on your life and writing”, my friend. 🙂 xx

  2. It isn’t as hard not to love and live for worldly things, when our thoughts are much occupied “there.” The only thing that keeps us from fully anticipating heaven is that we don’t completely understand it, and the unknown makes us uncomfortable. But, it really isn’t so very far off, as you said so beautifully: it is “a far off country as close as our next breath.” That puts it into accurate perspective, that we might start to live HERE as a citizen and ambassador of THERE ought to live. Good job!

    • Yes, Neil, I truly believe God grants us glimpses of ‘heaven on earth’ to prepare us in small ways for being eternally in His presence. We may live as citizens here but we are also “ambassadors of THERE” as you so rightly say. And He graces us with glimmers of His world and ways all around us now to encourage our hearts for the future. We can feel secure and safe in anticipation because God is there and He is pure love. There is no way it will be anything less than wonderful in our eyes and beyond our wildest hopes and dreams ~ at least that’s how I see it! Thank you for sharing your thoughts here, Neil. It is greatly appreciated. Blessings.

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