freedom: bright butterfly of hope hovers close #thedailyhaiku 2


Butterflies always speak of freedom to me. I envy their ability to break out of their earthbound chrysalis confines, emerge sparkling new, beautiful and ready for flight.

If only I think. If only we could be like a butterfly, see an end to our struggles and break out into the clear light of freedom. Such a time may be a long while off, though small victories here help build upon the scent of freedom to come.

But we have that blessed eternal Hope from God awaiting us, even as we wrestle with things in the here and now, while we learn how intrinsic faith is to our eventual flight to freedom.

It’s close,  my friend. Closer than we think. Closer than we know. It shimmers in the air around. Keep believing and hold onto your hope for better times to come.

Butterfly of hope

Freedom beckons us

like bright butterfly of hope

shimmers in the air


10 thoughts on “freedom: bright butterfly of hope hovers close #thedailyhaiku 2

  1. Dear Joy,
    Thank you for this “hold onto your hope” message–it was truly just what I needed today. God has used butterflies so often in my life to remind me of His promises, so here HE is again, with your words of hope to point me back to Him. Blessings and Hugs to you my friend! xoxo

    • Dear Bettie, I’m so glad this was a timely word for you, my friend. Butterflies entrance as they remind us that we, too, are destined to fly freely and born to soar. May God grant you hope and joy in abundance as you rest in His great plan for your life. Blessings and hugs! xoxo

  2. So beautiful, Joy! I love butterflies. They are beautiful and fun to watch. Thank you for your message of hope, because there is always hope in Christ.

    Blessings and love! xo

    • Amen to this, Gayl: “because there is always hope in Christ”, which makes all the difference in this world and in the life to come. It’s been lovely to still be able to spot a few butterflies flitting around outside since summer has departed. They always bring a smile to my face. Blessings and love to you, my friend, it’s a joy to see you here again! xo 😊💜

  3. As you probably already know, this resonates deeply in my heart, Joy. Yes, someday we will be fully freed to fly! Meanwhile, as you write here, we will take hope in those “small victories” that “build upon the scent of freedom to come.” Thank you for this encouragement today! Hope-filled hugs!

    • Trudy, you have a website dedicated to offering exactly that Hope to others, as you share the knowledge of the wonderful liberty we have in Christ of being freed to fly. Therefore I understand just how much this thought might resonate in your heart. I hope and pray that those small victories along the way will encourage you to believe for more to come. Returning Hope-filled hugs to you, dear friend! 😊💜

    • They are fascinating creatures, aren’t they, Tara? I love how their metamorphosis struggle mirrors our own as we shed the old skin of sin and emerge more fully as the freed-to-fly people of faith we are in Christ. 😊

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