seeking a quiet space in which to breathe #thedailyhaiku 7


I know that when I take on too much, feel overtired and overwhelmed, nothing else quite helps me to get back on my feet again like setting aside time to be still and quiet before God.

As I lay my burdens at God’s feet, stay in His presence long enough to relax and breathe more freely, I’m in a prime position to rest and receive. A quiet space in our days can become a sacred space in which to ponder and pray.

God pours out His love like a warm holy hug, wraps me in a welcome that never ends and comforts my fretful soul with sweet encouragement and insight enough to see the way ahead.

No longer frazzled and fraught, anxious and upset, I can calmly face what comes next or choose to have a longer rest instead, as I finally recognise I am too drained and depleted to carry on.

It needn’t take long or be complicated to become restored and refreshed on a daily basis. It simply takes a willing turning of our hearts to God and a desire to spend a few moments lingering with Him in quiet contemplation and stillness, enjoying the close companionship relationship He longs to have with all of us.

a quiet space

we learn to embrace

a quiet space in our days

relax, breathe easy


And here’s a little breathing space exercise for you to try. As you listen to the music below, may it relax you and gently usher you into God’s presence, our greatest place of refuge, comfort and rest. May you become strengthened and refreshed for what lies ahead. 


10 thoughts on “seeking a quiet space in which to breathe #thedailyhaiku 7

  1. Oh Dear Friend what a beautiful gift you have offered us to begin this weekend! I sat this morning here with your words and the graceful music playing in the background as I moved through the Daily Examen app that you had recommended earlier this year. Truly, when we pause long enough to let the Lord show us HIS perspective on our day, all the things that weary us begin to look so different. When just moments before it had felt impossible to bear, in His Presence we can “relax, breathe easy.” Thank you so much for this offering from your heart. Love and Hugs to you! xoxo

    • Dear Bettie, it’s always best to seek God’s perspective on things before we plunge into the day, though we can easily become distracted and forget to do so. Maybe that’s why the Scriptures encourage us to actively pursue peace, oxymoron as it seems. Yet it’s actually a vital part of soul care and protection in our walk of faith.
      I learn so much from the “not doing” because it teaches me the importance of making space for stillness, rest and peace! May your day be blessed with joy and peace, dear friend. Love and hugs to you! xox 💜

    • Dear Michael, replying a day late as I am, I hope and pray you have already found a small pocket of time in which to pause for refuelling and refreshment. Your schedule is heavy indeed, as is your burden of love and compassion for others. But self-care is necessary to avoid feeling burnt out. Praying for you, my friend.

    • Thank you for your kindness, Michael. Bless you, Brother! May your congregation also receive needful rest and peace after events of the last few weeks and months. World calamities and the inhumanity perpetrated by man against man temporarily drains life, hope and joy out of us all. 💜

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